Monday, January 31, 2011


I find it fascinating the things that people can DIY. I mean even just having the ability to think out of the box when looking at something and say - I could totally make that! I'm pretty sure that I never would have thought that way before I got hooked on some of the most amazing DIY blogs around ~ I'm sure you know who they are! Or at least you have some of your own faves - there are SO many to choose from! I'm positive I could get lost blog-searching for months at a time, just clicking one amazing link to the next. Hopefully one day I'll be included on that must-check-it-out blog list, but I know I've got LOTS to do to get to that point. But I'm working on it! I promise. I've completely gotten myself into the "I can do that" frame of mind. Even if I have an end table that's been sitting in the garage since last April waiting for me to try and antique it. I'll do it this spring, I swear!

In the meantime I'm going to continue looking at everything in a newly creative way and think about how I can start to come up with a few sweet little DIYs myself :)

On My List

Want to know a few things that I'm in the midst of lately? Here goes...

1. Currently I'm working approximately 60-70 hours a week for my full-time, demanding, challenging, but well-paying job
2. I'm still constantly attempting to update/decorate the house we've owned for just over a year now to make it feel comfy, cozy, and our own
3. I'm starting to train for a half marathon in May with my husband
4. I'm trying to learn to be a real photographer (none of that automatic stuff)
5. Finishing up my masters program (2 more classes to go!)
6. Working on my new years resolution to cook 24 new recipes this year (only 1 down so far...but it was delicious!)
7. Learn more about starting your own company so that I can keep getting closer to my dream...

Hopefully I'll be able to bring at least a few of these to completion. I'm guessing I'll at least keep working and finish my masters program, but hopefully the more exciting and fun things can get done too!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Welcome to my life, as the the Over-Ambitious Misses.

Follow me as I attempt to take on a million different projects, goals, tasks, and missions all at the same time - sometimes I'll fail and sometimes I'll succeed but I will ALWAYS learn something from the journey!

I'm pretty sure that I've always been this way. I've always had to be the best at things and always have wanted to do things even if I probably couldn't or shouldn't. What can I say? I was raised the youngest girl of three so not only was I always trying to keep up with an older sis but I was also the boy my dad never had. I wanted to do it all, and I would give my darnedest to do just that!

So here I am 25some-odd years later, married, a full-time professional and still constantly taking on the WORLD. What's next for me?

I think a better question is what's not.....